Monday, December 22, 2014


what a lovely december it's been, and a BUSY december. i can't believe it's only three more days till one of the best days of the year. the other day this year, of course, was march 21 ;)
currently i am sitting at home in a tornado of wrapping paper, christmas lights, and presents for family. but when future of forestry's christmas album is playing in the background, everything seems manageable.
here are some of my favourite snapshots from these past few months. enjoy!

HAIRCUT! yes, yes i am loving it.

cabin daze. my favourite little spot.

brothers                                   /       #colindrado... no words

he loves his mama so much!

blaze is a natural with children... /       family                                                      

fall vibes

loved the drive to and from colorado. enamoured by the beauty of utah. can't take credit for the lyrics though... band of horses is my fave :) 

marissa's bday!       /    a beautiful night in nevada city

christmas party time.

my first 'winter' in california will be one i look upon often, i'm sure of it. even if there's not any snow.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

a taste of blaze

actually getting to spend blaze's birthday WITH him was a new and exciting thing for me this year. the week surrounding december 7th was filled with a whole lot of movies, soda, and more movies. the night before his birthday we had an awesome time doing blaze-ish things with awesome friends. it went as what follows...


all things epic are what this photo is made of.

humble birthday boy       /                     cute people

the birthday night takes a twist.

although i got a lot more stomach aches than usual, i wouldn't want to have stomach aches with anyone else. happy birthday #blazerman. here's to lots of hot dogs and fireball in our future!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

these are the days...

...THESE are THE days.

thank you to the ever wonderful stephanie rudy for the lovely snaps last weekend. i love photos that remind you how lovely your life really is. (it's easy to forget huh). plus we felt famous posing for a wine promo shot (even if our faces aren't in the final cut).

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

i have to admit, i imagined myself writing a lot more on this blog over the fall. but it's been an eventful season, and i haven't always divided up my time the best ;)
speaking of my time, things are really changing for me. since receiving my greencard, i have gotten two jobs. and after not being able to legally work since february... well to say i'm ready is an understatement. here's to hoping this new schedule change results in more blogging time!

my friend wrote a note the other day that was really inspiring, and i wanted to share a little bit of it. i have a feeling it will be just as encouraging to you as it was to me.

"What I've been thinking about lately is that some things you just straight-up won't be prepared for when you sign up. But that burning desire to give your life to something you think could turn into something great, and could mean something, is there for a reason. The desire to grow yourself and never stop growing can only be appeased with risk and perseverance and commitment.... and when you've reached a plateau, it's time to dream and risk and persevere all over again. 
Is it the scariest thing ever? Yes. That means you care. Is it even scarier to know you care? Mega yes. But God is with you."

-Sarah Hyland

Monday, October 13, 2014


sometimes the easiest way to let go
to move on 
to stop giving in
to get stronger
is to accept that you don't want to let go
you're not ready to move on
you usually give in
and you're weak.

Friday, September 19, 2014

baby love

september 19th, welcome. today it was *not* at least 30 outside, which in fahrenheit is 86. so i guess it's fall? i've stopped wearing my crocheted tops and i even got a PSL the other day... but kudos to the girls in jackets. as much as i want it to feel more like autumn, my longings can't will me to overheat myself.

not all of california is quite this behind however. last weekend we spent some wonderful time in santa cruz (and santa clara), where the sea breeze made sweaters possible. 

i'm an extrovert for the most part, and i love discovering a special connection with those i come across, which can still be rare, being a stranger more than not. 
bradley, taylor, and parker have been one of those awesome connections. we had such a great time chilling this weekend and discovering all of our goofy similarities. even better yet, we're related! well at least blaze and brad are... second cousins :) needless to say the weekend was a treat, AND as an added bonus i got to see two dear friends from highschool that got married and work for apple now. 

picture warning: parker is one of the cutest babies i have ever come across. so there's a bit of a baby overload on here... 

BUT how could anyone resist that little face??

there's more to come... ;)

taylor and brad also have the cutest beach house ever

cutest family.

prettiest mama!

we took a little drive to big basin redwoods state park the one day. the trees were so majestic. nature like this puts things in perspective.

they have the same love languages... burping and bad skating

practice ;) / hollow trees

my FAVE of parker. lookin' at mama.

it's safe to say we're close friends with parker now. look at that smile! 

and i leave you with the most epic photo of the weekend. you have to be emotionless to not die over this picture.

just looking through these pix makes me miss that breeze and those folks!
i encourage you all to go out of your way this weekend for someone you want to get to know better. life is full of friends that we may miss out on if we don't try...
